EurAdopt Conference 2014

Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 February 2014 Published: Monday, 24 February 2014

The next EurAdopt Conference will take place in Stockholm, Sweden from 23rd- 24th April, 2014.


The main topic of the Conference will be “ADOPTION FOR THE RIGHT REASONS; an option for permanency”

The program will be divided into three sub-topics:

- The importance of “The 1993 Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption“ to safeguard the best interests of the child; good practices in intercountry adoption, challenges and the need for improvements.

- Post adoption services and support as an integral part of a successful adoption. How to best support the adoptee’s and the adoptive family’s needs.

- Domestic adoption contra long term foster care; challenges and experiences.

Experts and practitioners in the field of permanency planning and child welfare from Europe as well as a number of countries of origin, where the EurAdopt member organisations cooperate will attend the meeting.

The conference is open for the public.

Please find practical information about the conference as well as instructions of how to register HERE.


Download the Draft Program


Hits: 25844

Contact Information

Telephone: + 31 70 350 6699 FAX: +31 70 354 7867

Postal address: Regulusweg 11, G2516 AC Den Haag, the Netherlands

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